Monday, 5 October 2009


We produced a questionnaire to get feedback from the target audeince of the documentary. Here is a copy of the questionnaire that we handed out to 30 people to get their feedback.


Age:…..   Occupation:………..........................              Gender: Male Female

Do you believe in god?
Yes No

Do you celebrate Christmas?
Yes No

Is there any mention of god during your Christmas celebration? E.g. a prayer.
Yes No

If yes please state.

What colours do you associate with Christmas?

Do you get stressed by Christmas?
Yes No

If yes what is it about Christmas that gets you stressed?

Do you think the commercialisation of Christmas is an important issue?

What song reminds you of Christmas? (Please State)

What words do you associate with Christmas?

What makes documentaries authentic?
Montage    Archive     Reliable voice      Talking heads
Other Please State ……………………………………………………….

Would you watch a documentary about the commercialisation of Christmas?
Yes No

If yes, do you think this is an important issue?

Where do you buy your Christmas cards? (Please state)

When do you watch TV?
Morning    Day-time   early evening       late evening

How much do you spend at Christmas?
Less than £100    £100-£300          £300-£500          Over £500

Thank you for your cooperation.

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